I’m writing this post to publicize the material I’ve wrote to help organizers to setup a coding dojo in Elixir to a group of non-Elixir programmers. The material below (and in this repo ) exposes the basics of the language – just enough to starting coding. I hope this can help people to begin programming with this great language.
DISCLOSURE: The material is mainly working code. Non-working code is found within comments. The material is intentionally simple and non-exhaustive, and requires previous knowledge of functional programming.
# because everything here is working code, is strongly recommended that
# this "guide" should be read alongside the Elixir interactive mode -> iex
# "assignment"
a = 1 # => 1
a + 4 # => 5
1 = a # => 1
2 = a # => ** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: 1
# wtf? '=' isn't an assignment; it's a kind of "assert"
list = [ 1 , 10 , 20 ] # => [1, 10, 20]
[ a , b , c ] = list # => a = 1; b = 10; c = 20;
# assert works here too
[ z , 10 , x ] = list # => z = 1; x = 20;
[ h , 15 , j ] = list # => ** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: [1, 10, 20]
# "Joe Armstrong, the creator of Erlang, compares the equals sign in Erlang to that used in algebra.
# When you write the equation x = a + 1, you are not assigning the value of a + 1 to x.
# Instead, you’re simply asserting that the expressions x and a+1 have the same value.
# If you know the value of x, you can work out the value of a, and vice versa."
# - Dave Thomas - Programming Elixir
# Lists
list = [ 1 , 10 , 20 ] # => [1, 10, 20]
# Lists are immutable linked lists, so random access is expensive,
# however, they can be constructed or deconstructed with pattern matching
[ head | tail ] = list # => head = 1; tail = [10, 20]
# Lists Operations
[ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ++ [ 4 , 5 , 6 ] # => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
[ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ] -- [ 1 , 3 ] # => [2, 4]
1 in [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] # => true
# Tuples
tuple = { 10 , 20 }
# pattern matching on tuples
{ a , b } = tuple
# Atoms
# atoms are constants - they are like symbols on Ruby.
# an atom is constant within the application and across machines
{ a , b } = { :foo , :bar }
# Keyword lists
[ fuu: "bar" , goos: "fraba" , life: 42 ] # => [ {:fuu, "bar"}, { :goos, "fraba" }, { :life, 42 } ]
##Anonymous Functions
# anonymous Functions
add = fn a , b -> a + b end
add . ( 1 , 2 ) # => 1 + 2
# parameters pattern matching, aka "overloading"
printer = fn
0 , 0 , _ -> "FizzBuzz"
0 , _ , _ -> "Fizz"
_ , 0 , _ -> "Buzz"
_ , _ , c -> c
printer = fn n ->
printer . ( rem ( n , 3 ), rem ( n , 5 ), n )
|> to_string
|> IO . puts
fizzbuzz = fn ->
1 .. 15 |> Enum . each printer
# the & notation
# the following function
Enum . map [ 1 , 2 , 3 ], fn n -> n * n end
# is the same as
Enum . map [ 1 , 2 , 3 ], &1 * &1
# the following function
add = fn a , b -> a + b end
# is also the same as
add = &1 + &2
# but the & notation requires some attention
# the following scenario is tricky
add_and_sum = { &1 + &2 , &1 * &2 } # => {&Kernel.+/2, &Kernel.*/2}
# the above function isn't what you expect
# what you really want is
add_and_sum = & { &1 + &2 , &1 * &2 } # => #Function<12.80484245 in :erl_eval.expr/5>
##Modules and Functions
# modules
# defmodule ModuleName do
# ... content inside module...
# end
# this is a module written with the "real" way of declaring a function
defmodule Factorial do
def of ( 0 ), do : 1
def of ( n ), do : n * of ( n - 1 )
# the module below is the same as the above, but using an alternative
# syntax that is transformed during compile time
# to the syntax on the previous example
defmodule Factorial2 do
def of ( 0 ) do
def of ( n ) do
n * of ( n - 1 )
# pattern matching on functions happens inside modules
# and is a great way to simplify solutions
defmodule GCD do
def of ( x , 0 ), do : x
def of ( x , y ), do : of ( y , rem ( x , y ))
# guard clauses are also supported
defmodule Factorial do
def of ( 0 ), do : 1
def of ( n ) when n > 0 , do : n * of ( n - 1 )
# Factorial.of(-1)
# ** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in Factorial.of/1
##Erlang Interop
# erlang interop
:io . format ( "~.2f~n" , [ 5.126 ])
# => 5.13
# => :ok
# module 'io' from Erlang's stdlib is accessible through an atom with the same name
# so, as you can imagine, there is an io module with the function format in it :)
##Built-in data structures
dict = HashDict . new first: "Victor" , last: "Arias" ,
country: "Sweden" , music: "Lungs from Florence + The Machine"
# Dict protocol
Dict . get dict , :music # => "Lungs from Florence + The Machine"
Dict . keys dict # => [:country, :first, :last, :music]
Dict . values dict # => ["Sweden", "Victor", "Arias", "Lungs from Florence + The Machine"]
# more in http://elixir-lang.org/docs/stable/Dict.html
set = HashSet . new [ :first , :last , :country , :music ]
set2 = HashSet . new [ :city , :state ]
# Set protocol
Set . member? set , :country # => true
Set . union set , set2 # => #HashSet<[:city, :country, :first, :last, :music, :state]>
Set . difference set , set2 # => #HashSet<[:country, :first, :last, :music]>
# more in http://elixir-lang.org/docs/stable/Set.html
# List
List . concat [ 1 , 2 ], [ 10 , 11 ] # => [1, 2, 10, 11]
List . flatten [[ 1 ], 2 , [[[ 3 ]]]] # => [1, 2, 3]
# fold(l|r), zip, unzip, last, keyfind, keydelete, keyreplace
# more in http://elixir-lang.org/docs/stable/List.html
# Enum & Stream
Enum . each [ "a" , "b" , "c" ], IO . puts ( &1 )
Enum . all? [ 2 , 4 , 6 ], & ( rem ( &1 , 2 ) == 0 )
Enum . sort [ 1 , 10 , 2 , 42 , 17 ] # => [1, 2, 10, 17, 42]
##List Comprehensions
list = lc x inlist [ 1 , 2 , 3 ], do : x - 1 # => [0, 1, 2]
list = lc x inlist [ 1 , 2 , 3 ], y inlist [ :a , :b , :c ], do : { x , y }
# => [{1, :a}, {1, :b}, {1, :c}, {2, :a}, {2, :b}, {2, :c}, {3, :a}, {3, :b}, {3, :c}]
list = lc x inlist [ 1 , 2 , 3 ], y inlist [ :a , :b , :c ], x > 2 , do : { x , y }
# => [{3, :a}, {3, :b}, {3, :c}]
defrecord Person , first_name: nil , last_name: nil , age: nil , country: "Brazil"
person = Person . new first_name: "Victor" , last_name: "Arias" , age: 26
# => Person[first_name: "Victor", last_name: "Arias", age: 26, country: "Brazil"]
Person [ first_name: "Victor" , last_name: "Arias" , country: "Sweden" ] # <- compile time!
# => Person[first_name: "Victor", last_name: "Arias", age: nil, country: "Sweden"]
# a record is just a tuple starting with a module
# so the following tuple declaration works as a record creation
# exactly as Person.new ...
another_person = { Person , "Victor" , "Arias" , 26 , "Brazil" }
# => Person[first_name: "Victor", last_name: "Arias", age: 26, country: "Brazil"]
# mix is a command line utility to manage Elixir projects.
# it can be seen as a 'mix' between rake (db:|routes...) and rails (s|g|...)
# victorarias@Victors-MacBook-Pro ~/development/starting_with_elixir $ mix help
# mix # Run the default task (current: mix run)
# mix archive # Archive this project into a .ez file
# mix clean # Clean generated application files
# mix cmd # Executes the given command
# mix compile # Compile source files
# mix deps # List dependencies and their status
# mix deps.clean # Remove the given dependencies' files
# mix deps.compile # Compile dependencies
# mix deps.get # Get all out of date dependencies
# mix deps.unlock # Unlock the given dependencies
# mix deps.update # Update the given dependencies
# mix do # Executes the tasks separated by comma
# mix escriptize # Generates an escript for the project
# mix help # Print help information for tasks
# mix local # List local tasks
# mix local.install # Install a task or an archive locally
# mix local.rebar # Install rebar locally
# mix local.uninstall # Uninstall local tasks or archives
# mix new # Creates a new Elixir project
# mix run # Run the given file or expression
# mix test # Run a project's tests
# Elixir bundles a simple yet effective testing library
# is worth noting that the 'assert' used below
# is actually a macro, and because of that
# it can "see" the code being asserted
# and print meaningful error messages when the assert fails
ExUnit . start
defmodule Tests do
use ExUnit . Case
test "fuu" do
assert true
test "introspection" do
assert 1 == 2
test "introspection 2" do
assert 1 > 3
test "introspection 3" do
assert 1 >= 3
# 1) test introspection (Tests)
# ** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
# expected: 1
# to be equal to (==): 2
# at 9_testing.exs:11
# 2) test introspection 2 (Tests)
# ** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
# expected: 1
# to be more than: 3
# at 9_testing.exs:15
# 3) test introspection 3 (Tests)
# ** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
# expected: 1
# to be more than or equal to: 3
# at 9_testing.exs:19
Any feedback is appreciated :)